I know a lot of people think gold and silver are a waste of money, but I disagree. If you want to be prepared for the worst-case scenario, then you need some gold and silver too. Here’s why:
I know gold and silver are not real money.
You’ve probably heard that gold and silver are not real money but valuable nonetheless. They’re a good investment and a great way to prepare for a major economic collapse or natural disaster that knocks out power for weeks or months on end.
There’s no telling when such an event could happen–but if it does take place while you’re unprepared, your family will suffer greatly.
What if the SHTF and there is no electricity?
What if the SHTF and there is no electricity?
I’m sure you’ve heard of people who have stocked up on food, water, guns, and ammo. But what about silver and gold? They are a currency that has been used for thousands of years. Silver and gold can be used as barter items in case there is no electricity or cash available after a major economic collapse or natural disaster knocks out power for weeks or months at a time.
When the economy crashes, it will mean there’s no more paper money.
In a post-crash world, there are going to be some major changes in the way we conduct our everyday lives. When the economy implodes and paper money becomes worthless, it will mean that there’s no more credit cards, checks or debit cards–and even ATMs will no longer work!
The only way you’ll be able to buy anything is by using silver coins as currency. When you go shopping for food at the local grocery store and show them your silver coins (a bag of silver dimes would do), they’ll give you whatever goods are on their shelves in exchange for those coins.
Gold and silver are real wealth.
- Gold and silver are real wealth.
- They’re not just for rich people.
- Gold and silver have been used as money for thousands of years.
- You don’t need to be an elite investor to own gold and silver, either; you can buy them at a local coin shop or online from an established dealer like Provident Metals, which offers competitive prices on all its products–and when we say “competitive,” we mean it: The company guarantees that its prices will always be lower than those offered by other reputable dealers in your area.
You could buy some gold and silver now, even with little money.
You can buy gold and silver with a small amount of money. If you don’t have much cash in hand, it’s still possible to invest in precious metals. You can purchase a small amount of gold or silver coins at a local coin shop or online (or both).
You will find many different forms of gold and silver for sale: coins, bullion bars and jewelry are just three examples. Each type has its own advantages–and disadvantages!
Investing in physical gold and silver is a good way to prepare for a major economic collapse or a natural disaster that knocks out power for weeks or months.
Gold and silver are real wealth. They have real value, unlike some of the investments you might be making right now. Gold and silver are not a scam or a bubble; they’re something you can trust to always be worth something, no matter how bad things get economically in your country or globally.
Investing in physical gold and silver is one of the best ways to prepare for an economic collapse or natural disaster that knocks out power for weeks or months (something we saw after Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico). Storing your wealth in physical gold and silver keeps it safe from banks that could fail during such an event–and gives you peace of mind knowing that all of your money is safe at home where no one else can get their hands on it!
The Smartest Form of Gold and Silver
You could buy large gold or silver bars, but think about how you will use your stash of precious metals if a crisis arrives. A bar of gold, especially a large bar, is impossible to break apart to trade for smaller items.
Instead, buy gold or silver rounds or coins in smaller amounts. Smaller gold and silver rounds and coins are easier to transport and easier to spend if all you need are some groceries or ammo.
Buy these as close to the current spot price as you can. Some gold coins are historic and carry a value beyond the metal content. Those are fine for collectors, but for preppers, it’s best to get a round or coin that is as close to the value of the metal as is possible. There is no telling in a crisis if anyone will care about a rare coin beyond it’s metal content.
With all the uncertainty in today’s economy, having some gold and silver on hand makes sense. It will give you peace of mind knowing that you have some valuable assets stashed away in case anything happens. The good news is that you don’t need a lot of money to start investing in these precious metals–even if all you can afford is one coin or bar from each category (gold and silver), that could still be worth thousands of dollars at today’s prices!