Tony Robbins
It’s not what we get that makes us happy; It’s who we become, How we live our life, Who we are as a person. People can take away all the things, But who you become, no one can take away.
And it isn’t so much about changing yourself; The change happens when you be yourself. The problem is most of us are trying to be something we’re not, Because most of us, in our lives, out of our desire for respect, achievement, love, or connection, Or something we’ve been trying to be the way we think we’d have to be in order to get that love, respect, appreciation, whatever it is we’ve been after at some unconscious level.
And we’ve been doing it so long that we think that this is who we are. If you want to know what’s really you, Where you’re going to be alive is when it’s really you. And you may think you know who you are because you’ve been living a certain way, But I’ll tell you how you’ll know: You’ll feel euphoric, You’ll feel strong, You’ll feel unlimited, You’ll feel free.