Christmas Side Hustles
Even if you have a full-time job, you can still have another source of income. Being employed full-time means you’ll have more time for your side hustle. Christmas is the perfect time of year to earn extra cash from seasonal jobs and gigs. Whether you need additional spending money or want to treat yourself to new toys (and invest in those), these side hustles will give you the best value for your time this holiday season!
Seasonal Jobs
Seasonal jobs are often temporary and can be found in retail stores, hotels, restaurants, and other places. They are a great way to make extra money during the holiday season.
Seasonal jobs require special skills, such as decorating trees or baking cookies. Some seasonal jobs include:
- Sales associate at a retail store (e.g., Target)
- Hotel concierge
- Waiter/waitress at a restaurant
Retail Gigs
A retail gig is a part-time job in the retail sector, which includes stores like Target and Walmart. If you’re looking for something fun and flexible, this could be an ideal opportunity!
Here are some things to know about retail gigs:
- They’re flexible. Many full-time jobs require employees to work specific hours or days every week. But if you want more flexibility in your schedule–or if your employer doesn’t offer it–a retail gig may be proper for you! You’ll be able to pick up shifts whenever they’re available, which means that even if one day doesn’t work out because of another commitment (like school), there will probably still be another chance later in the week or weekend when everything ends up perfectly again.* There are many different types of stores with different kinds of products. Hence, something out there is specific to each person’s interests.* The pay is pretty decent too ($13-$15 per hour).
Online Selling
You must create an account on one of the many online selling platforms to get started. There are plenty to choose from: eBay, Amazon, and Craigslist are some of the most popular options. Then, it’s just a matter of setting up your account and listing your item for sale. You can also sell directly through social media like Facebook Marketplace or Instagram; this may be an excellent option to avoid maintaining an inventory or dealing with returns.
If you’re looking for an easier way than setting up an entire website (and paying for hosting), consider using apps like OfferUp or LetGo instead–they connect buyers directly with sellers in their area!
Freelance Services
Freelance services are a great way to earn money. You can work freelance while unemployed, working full-time, in school, or even retired. Here’s how:
- Find something that needs to be done and offer your services on websites like Fiverr or Upwork (formerly Elance). You’ll get paid by the hour or project, depending on your choice. If you’re lucky enough to find something that pays well from the start, this could be your ticket out of poverty!
- Suppose there isn’t an opening for a job that interests you at any moment. Why not start up a side business doing something similar? For example, if there’s no job available as an accountant but someone does need accounting help, then consider offering your services as an independent contractor instead of taking another retail position where boredom will set in quickly due to monotonous work tasks being performed daily over long periods without any real growth opportunities offered within those positions themselves (I’m talking about myself here because I’ve had plenty).
Craft Markets
Craft markets are a great way to make money. You can sell your own crafts or sell the crafts of others, and there are many different types of craft markets to choose from.
- Get a booth at an outdoor market: This is your best bet if you want to sell handmade items! There are many different kinds of outdoor markets around the country (and even internationally), so it pays to research before deciding where and when you want to set up shop. Ensure there is yet to be another vendor selling similar products nearby–you don’t want customers going straight for them instead! You should also consider how much time and effort will go into setting up shop each day; if it looks like too much work for too little profit potential, try another option instead.
- Sell online: This option works well if people aren’t able to visit physical locations like craft fairs or farmers’ markets because they live far away from them but still want access
- Sell-at-home parties: Hosting an event where guests come over just so they can buy something from us is always fun! It helps build community while providing valuable feedback regarding what products people want/need based on their reactions during those parties.”
Gift Wrapping Services
Gift wrapping is a service, not a product. The gift wrapper is responsible for the presentation of the gift, not its contents. This means you can offer your services even if you have not gained any particular skills or experience with wrapping gifts yourself.
Gift wrapping services are top-rated during the holiday season because they offer customers an additional way to express themselves through their gifts and make them feel special and cared for. Your clients may appreciate your help creating a unique look for each present they give–. If nothing else, it will save them time from having to do all that wrapping themselves!
You can offer your services online or in person (or both). If offering them online seems like too big an undertaking for now, but you still want some practice before going all-in on this side hustle idea by setting up shop at home during Christmas time next year…you could always try out one of these sites where people post pictures of what they want wrapped (and sometimes even include how much money they’d like paid) along with their contact info so others can contact them directly:
Holiday Event Staffing
- Holiday Event Staffing
- How to Find Holiday Event Staffing Opportunities
- How to Make Money from Holiday Event Staffing
Personal Shopping Assistance
- Find out the person’s budget and taste. Does the person want to spend less than $50 or more? What are their favorite colors, brands, or styles?
- Learn about their shopping style. Are they online shopper who loves getting things delivered in a box to their door, or do they prefer to shop at brick-and-mortar stores with real people around them?
- Discover what they want to get for others as well as themselves. Maybe your friend loves jewelry but also has a daughter who would love some sparkly earrings for Christmas morning; maybe your mom already has everything she needs but would love one of those fantastic new fitness trackers on her wish list this year! You’ll need this information later when making recommendations based on these aspects of their personality and lifestyle choices (see below).
These side hustles will earn you more money this Christmas.
There are many ways to earn extra money when you’re not working at your regular job. These side hustles can help you make Christmas a little more merry, and they might even bring in enough cash to put towards gifts for family and friends.
- Online Surveys – You can get paid to complete surveys on sites like Survey Junkie or Swagbucks. They’ll ask you questions about what kind of products you would buy, how much money you spend each month on certain things (like groceries), etc., then give you points that convert into gift cards or cash-back rewards depending on how many surveys they have available at any given time.
- Blogging – If you have some writing skills and know how to use WordPress (or another blogging platform), consider starting your own blog! You’ll need an interesting topic, though–if there are only a few readers coming back every day because they love what they’re reading, no one will see those ads either!
These side hustles are perfect if you’re looking for a way to earn some extra money this Christmas. They can be done in your spare time, and they don’t require a lot of investment upfront–just some time and energy. The best part is that most of these jobs have long-term potential that could lead to even better opportunities down the road!