Holiday Income
The holiday season is here! Whether you’re looking to make some extra cash or want to earn a little extra spending money, there are plenty of ways to do so. Here are a few ideas for businesses and individuals alike:
There are many different ways to make extra money during the holidays.
There are many different ways to make extra money during the holidays. It takes time and effort to find the right fit for you, but it can be done by offering a service for a fee or for free, selling some of your products or services, or both!
These ideas bring in some extra cash during the holidays.
- Be prepared to work hard. The holidays are a busy time, and you’ll likely be working long hours to keep up with demand. Sometimes businesses need extra help during this time because they know that people want something special for their loved ones and will pay more for it–and if you’re willing to work hard, you can make some serious cash!
- Be prepared to work long hours. If you’ve ever thought about taking extra holiday shifts at your current job or finding another part-time gig, now is the time! Because everyone needs something extra special this time of year, employers are willing to pay top dollar for reliable workers who will show up when called upon (and don’t mind staying late).
- Be flexible with your schedule–you might even want multiple jobs so that one doesn’t get too overwhelming! It’s also important not only because there may be more than one opportunity available but also because different businesses require different skill sets; having both types under your belt can help ensure success regardless of which job(s) come along next month/year/decade…
Gift wrapping
Gift wrapping is a service that is always in demand, especially during the holiday season. If you can access a store or other retail space where people shop, consider offering gift-wrapping services there. Set up a table at your local library, community center, and other places where people gather for events like art fairs and book clubs.
If you want to set up an online shop as well as an offline one (or both), just make sure that it’s easy for customers to find out how they can get their gifts wrapped by you! You could offer them options like: “Pickup from my home” or “Gift wrap available upon request”.
Candle Making
Candle-making is a fun activity with kids, and it can be done indoors or outdoors. It’s also a great way to use up leftover wax from other projects. When you’re done with the candles, they make great gifts!
Sewing/Knitting/Crocheting Service
You can offer to make holiday gifts for friends, family and coworkers. A few ideas: scarves, hats, and gloves (think of the winter weather), socks and sweaters. These can be a great way to earn extra income in the holiday season while helping others out by making gifts that they’ll love!
Home repair and maintenance services
- Home repair and maintenance services
- How to get started: You can start a home repair and maintenance business by first getting your contractor’s license, which you can do through your state’s Department of Labor or licensing board. You may also want to get an insurance policy so that you’re covered in case something goes wrong while working on a customer’s house.
Once you have those things squared away, it’s time to market your business! Start by creating a website with information about what kind of work you offer and how much it costs (ensure this information is accurate). Next, create social media accounts for yourself so people know where they can find out more about what services you provide. Finally, make sure everyone knows about these things by posting flyers around town and sending emails out via email listservs or newsletters from local schools/churches/etc
Childcare while parents shop
- Set up a website. If you have the skills to do so, set up a simple website that advertises your services.
- Ask friends and family members if they know anyone who needs help with childcare during the holiday season.
- Offer to help with shopping or wrapping presents for people who don’t have time during this busy time of year (and offer them some cash in return). You can even offer decorating services for those who want to save money by buying their own Christmas tree and then hiring someone else to put lights on it!
Decorating homes for the holidays
Decorating homes for the holidays is a fun way to earn extra money. If you’re looking to supplement your income or launch a new business, holiday decorating services are often in high demand. You can offer your services to friends and family, or you can offer them as part of a business.
If you decide to start offering holiday decorating services on the side of your regular job, there are several things that will help ensure success:
- Make sure that everything is clean before starting work so that customers will feel comfortable inviting people into their home while it’s being decorated. Also, be sure not to leave any tools lying around–a lot of people don’t like having tools lying around because they think they look messy!
- Be friendly with everyone who comes into contact with you while doing this kind of work; being friendly makes people trust you more easily than if they didn’t know anything about what was going on behind closed doors (or windows).
Sell your services as a personal shopper.
You can sell your services as a personal shopper. Personal shoppers charge for their services, but many people are willing to pay for the convenience of having someone do all of their shopping for them. This is especially true during the holidays when there are so many gifts to buy, and people don’t have time to shop.
You can help friends and family find gifts for themselves or even pets! You could also offer gift certificates so people can purchase items online (such as clothing) without leaving home. Your local community may need more demand right now, but if you’re willing to travel outside your neighborhood, then this could be an excellent way for you to earn extra income during the holiday season!
Host a cookie decorating party.
- Choose a theme. If you’re hosting a cookie decorating party, think about what kind of cookies you want to make and how they’ll be decorated. Do you want to do basic designs or go all out? You can even come up with new holiday-themed designs that guests will love!
- Decide on food options. Will people be allowed to bring their snacks? Or will there be food provided by the host? If so, what kinds of snacks would fit in with your theme (e.g., if it’s wintertime and snowflakes are on them)?
- Pick activities for guests to do while waiting for their cookies to bake in the ovens/microwaves/toaster ovens/ovens (depending on how many types of equipment is available). These could include making paper snowflakes, coloring pictures from books, playing games such as Bingo or Jenga, telling stories about Christmas past…or maybe even the future!
Offer to help with holiday shopping.
It’s the season of giving, and you can help your friends and family with holiday shopping. If you’re good at finding bargains, offer to take them on a shopping trip. You’ll save them time and money while helping them find exactly what they want.
If you’re not much of a shopper yourself but know how to cook or decorate, offer those services instead! Your loved ones will appreciate having someone else do all the work for them so they can relax during this busy time of year.
Be a secret shopper for a friend, family member or coworker.
If you’re looking for a way to make extra money this holiday season, consider becoming a secret shopper. Several companies hire individuals as secret shoppers.
If you’re dissatisfied with the service at any store and would like to report it, here’s what happens: You fill out an online form with details about your experience (the name of the store where you shopped and what happened). Then someone from whatever company hired them will contact them directly through email or phone call with their findings after reviewing all reports submitted by customers like yourself!
Work as a babysitter for those who can’t get away during the holidays.
If you’re looking for a way to make extra money during the holidays, why not offer your babysitting services? Many people can’t get away during this time of year and would love to have someone available whom they trust with their children.
If you know any families that live near you, offer to watch their kids for them so that they can have some time off. If not, consider advertising online or asking around at work if anyone needs help with childcare during the holiday season.
You could also approach strangers in public places such as parks or malls, offering your services as an affordable babysitter (or nanny). While it may seem intimidating, remember no one knows what goes on behind closed doors!
House sitter service to those who want their house looked after while they are away, but don’t want the expense of paying someone to watch it while they are away.
- Check for pets. If you’re a pet sitter, check with the owner about any special instructions for feeding or taking care of their pets.
- Check for smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Test these devices before leaving so you know they’re working properly when you go.
- Make sure all doors and windows are locked (and remember any skylights). You may also want to secure any valuables inside the house with a lockbox or other safe place where only you have access to it while on holiday service trips–this will help ensure that nobody breaks into your clients’ homes while they are away!
- Turn off all lights in rooms where no one will be spending time during daylight hours; these lights waste electricity when left on all day long without anyone being there anyway.”
Become an “elf” or “Santa’s helper” at local malls and stores during the holiday season and help people find what they need or help them find what they would like to buy and then strike up a conversation about how you could help them get there. It is a great way to get in front of potential customers!
Be friendly and helpful. It’s no secret that the holidays are a busy time for stores and malls, so you’ll need to know where everything is in the store. If someone asks for help finding something specific, ensure you’re prepared to answer questions about it (and have an opinion if possible). Have a good attitude: if someone tells you they don’t want your help or just want to browse on their own, respect that! Don’t take it personally; part of being an “elf” or “Santa’s helper” is knowing when not everyone wants or needs your assistance…or just plain doesn’t like talking to strangers 🙂 Be prepared for anything – people often ask questions about products that may come out of left field! This could include anything from how long something will last before it expires/starts growing mold over whether there are any discounts available during this particular week/month, etc., so try as hard as possible not only to remember what these things are called but also where else they might be found nearby if needed later down the road (like maybe even another store within same mall complex?). Don’t forget: if someone asks something utterly unrelated question, such as what time stores close today, versus asking where to find milk products located within this particular grocery store chain, then chances are high the person isn’t interested in buying milk right now anyway 😉
Holiday-themed parties are another service that can be offered.
- Christmas parties
- New Year’s Eve parties
- Valentines Day parties
- St. Patrick’s Day parties
- Easter parties
- Halloween parties (Halloween can also be considered a holiday)
The list of possible events you could offer your services for is endless: birthday parties, graduation celebrations, baby showers and bridal showers are just some examples.
If you have a mail-out business, consider sending out unique holiday cards.
If you have a mail-out business, consider sending out unique holiday cards. You can create your design or use one of the many online templates. For example, Tiny Prints offers a variety of designs for cards,
If you have extra room in your garage or basement and would like to offer storage services for items such as bikes or skis during the winter months (or any other time), consider advertising that fact on social media. You could also offer holiday decorating services if people need help setting up their yards for the holidays; this is especially helpful if it’s challenging to navigate icy sidewalks after snowfall!
Consider offering holiday storage services if you have a garage or basement available.
If you have a garage or basement available, consider offering holiday storage services. For example, if someone has a lot of Christmas decorations they don’t want to store in their house all year long but need to know what else to do with them, offer to store them for them at no charge. Be sure to provide a contract for your services and let the person know that there is no guarantee against damage or loss due to fire or theft (or even just bad luck). You should also understand what you are storing and how much its value may be worth. If someone wants their stuff back immediately after Christmas because they’ve decided they need it again next year and don’t want any delays getting it back, then you’ll need enough room in your own home until then!
The holidays are a great time to make some extra money. With so many people shopping, decorating, and planning parties, there are plenty of opportunities for you to find work and make some extra cash.